Voice changer calling


Voice changer calling

Its cool apps for ur smart phone.....

Joke friends, your family, surprises are changing our sound.
Joke friends, your family surprise.
Use our voice conversion application calls.
Appeals to the Wi-Fi instead of your mobile telephone company.
The first call is free, and called for the future is very cheap (U.S. cents) per minute.
Responsible use of this application, your caller ID is not shielded.
Latest news
General bug fixes and improved performance.
This application to access the following:

Services spending
Direct dial phone number
Allows the application to call phone numbers, without your intervention. The malicious software may lead to unexpected calls on your phone bill. Please note that this application does not allow emergency calls.

Control equipment
Allow applications to access the audio channel recording.
Change the sound settings
Allows a program to modify global audio settings, such as volume and routing.

Network Communications
Full access to the Internet
Allows applications to create a network socket.
Bluetooth connection
Allows applications to view the local device's Bluetooth configuration, as well as call and receive a connection from the paired device.
To make / receive telephone network
Allow applications to use the SIP services / internet connection.

Your personal information
Read contact information
Allows applications to read all of your contacts (address), the data stored on the device. Malicious applications can use it to send data to other people.
Send contact information
Allows an application to modify the contact (address), the data stored on the device. Malicious applications can use this to delete or change the contact information.
Read magazines confidential data
Allow application to read the system log file. This allows you to find what you are doing with the equipment, including personal or potentially sensitive information, general information.

Intercept outgoing
Allows applications to handle calls and change the dialed number. Malicious applications can monitor, redirect, or prevent exhaled.
Read phone state and identity
Allows applications to access the phone functions to your device. This permission application can determine the phone number and serial number of the phone, call a positive number, the call is connected, like.

Edit / delete the contents of the USB storage change / delete the contents of the SD card
Allows applications written to the storage of the USB. Allows applications written to the SD memory card.

System Tools
Change the global settings of the system
Allows an application to modify the system configuration data. The malicious software may damage your system configuration.
Prevent the device from sleep
Allows applications to prevent the device goes into sleep mode.
Disable the keypad lock
Allows applications to disable the keyboard lock, password and security. The legal case is disable receive calls when the phone lock, and then re-lock the keypad when the call is completed.

Control equipment
Control vibrator
Allows applications to control the vibrator.

Network Communications
Wi-Fi status
Allows an application to view information about the Wi-Fi status.
View network status
Allows an application to review the status of all network.

System Tools
Start automatically at boot
Allows an application to the beginning, once the system has finished booting. This can take longer to start the device, and allows the use of the general slow down of equipment is always working.

Directly dial any telephone number
Allows the application to call any telephone numbers, including emergency phone numbers, without your intervention. Malicious applications can be unnecessary and illegal call emergency services.